Sport physiotherapy

Its importance today

Sport physiotherapy plays a key role in athletes’ psycho-physical well-being. And anyone who practices sport, whether amateur or professional, knows it well.
Sport is good for your health on many levels, but it is also true that it exposes the body to considerable amounts of stress, as well as to the risk of injury – especially at high levels.

The role of physical therapy is that of supporting athletes in every phase of their preparation. The techniques and methods used by a sport physical therapist help athletes through every step, from training to match. They help them to obtain fast and effective muscle recovery, reducing or completely eliminating the physical strain and mental stress associated with competition.


Prevention and post-injury phase

Sport physiotherapy comes into play during the phase of prevention, generally through muscle and joint massages, to allow athletes to recover from accumulated exhaustion, and to reduce the stress of physical effort. In addition, the physical therapist knows how to identify possible incorrect movements during exercise, and can step in to correct them in order to reduce the risk of injury to a minimum.


However, the moment when the physical therapist is the most important is in the post-injury phase. Whether it is an inflammation process, like lumbago or tendinitis, or the consequence of a specific trauma (sprain, injury, etc…), the techniques applied by physical therapists can fix multiple troubles. The intervention of professionals have the goal to allow athletes to recover quickly from their injury, and go back to their sport activity in optimum shape.

Sport rehabilitation: its evolution over time

Over the years, physiotherapy techniques have embraced technological innovation too. The goal has always been that of maximising the effects of the traditional treatments, like manual therapies, stretching, sport massages and motor rehabilitation.

In fact, a sport physical therapist works on what physiologically speeds up athletes’ recovery. As a matter of fact, the speed of recovery is often a determining factor in the success of a sport season, but it cannot and must not neglect the necessary time to obtain sure and lasting results. This only happens when the athlete’s entire body is included in the recovery, ensuring top performance both on the physical and mental level.

Physical therapy and Zerobody: Starpool’s contribution to the world of sports

In light of the evolution that sport rehabilitation has marked throughout the history of modern medicine, we at Starpool wanted to do our part for the growth and improvement of rehabilitation techniques. Zerobody is an innovative system for the regeneration of body and mind. Thanks to the therapeutic effect of the Dry Float Therapy, working in synergy with the manual therapies and skills of the physical therapist, it allows athletes to maintain or restore a top sport performance.

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All the benefits of an innovative technique

Zerobody has multiple possible applications in the field of sport physiotherapy:
1. Recovery from injury
2. Lactate drainage
3. Reduction of excess adrenaline
4. Muscle and joint movement without gravitational weight
5. Mental training to recover the right focus during matches, and overcome the mental blocks caused by traumas or injuries.

Zerobody is the ultimate frontier of mental and physical regeneration, and it can be combined with every type of sport and training program.


Zerobody can provide multiple benefits for all athletes. Many are the athletes that have chosen to take advantage of the potential of this amazing regenerative technique, like Federico Pellegrino – cross-country skiing champion of the Italian State Police Sport Group – Fiamme Oro , who has completed his daily training program including our solution for dry floatation too.

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