Characteristics and benefits of the steam room

Do you like travelling? If you have been to Turkey, then you must have visited a Hammam! The steam room stems from it. Let’s dive into its characteristics and health benefits.


Hammam at Grand Hotel Tremezzo - Lake Como

The origins of the steam room

The Arabs drew inspiration for their baths from the tradition of the Roman thermae, where patrons used to walk through different rooms in which they were exposed to heat, hot water, and steam, and they eventually worked out a one-room solution in which hygienic requirements and the need for body purification were met at the same time. This room fulfilled the function of a true place of public bathing, as most houses did not have one at the time.

As the Roman thermae, Turkish baths have an unparalleled architecture in the world: they are large and complex buildings. The main room is the place where users are given well-known and distinctive massages on a large hexagonal marble table: it is typically a hot and wet environment, as is the case in a steam bath. Still in our days, men and women receive the treatments in separate areas. The Hammam is also a place of sharing where people can talk about their life stories while washing and purifying their body.

Steam Room

Characteristics of the steam room

Steam baths result from the application of the tradition of the Turkish bath in Western countries, although in simplified form as they are now only characterised by heat and humidity. The internal temperature is warm – approximately 45°C – and humidity is very high, up to 98%!

The benefits of the steam room

The distinctive moist heat generates benefits that are very similar to those experienced in a Hammam:

  • if favours skin renovation, homogeneity, and radiance
  • its deep cleansing
  • softens the respiratory tract, promoting breathing
  • significantly helps psycho-physical relaxation.
Bagno di vapore - mood

What kind of sensations does it spur?

A mist of steam, water droplets resting on your skin, scents and perfumes pervading the body through steam inhalation and a very deep sensation of purification that involves the mind as well. The water droplets gently rest on the skin, softening the outer layer and favouring the replacement of aged cells with new ones.

Lucia Magnani Healt

Lucia Magnani Health Clinic - Castrocaro Terme

How can the benefits of the steam bath be made more effective?

Thanks to products such as mechanical scrub: cosmetic products consisting of either vegetable or mineral micro granules with a texture that is either creamy or gelatinous, or simply in the form of salt. When these products are spread on the body through a massage in combination with heat and steam, the skin cleansing action becomes more effective and excellent results are achieved in terms of skin compactness, tone and hydration.

Rituals in the steam room

The use of cosmetics and scrub products allows to create true rituals in the spa, which you can experience with other people or in the privacy of your own home.

Sweet Spa 1

The use of cosmetics and scrub products allows to create true rituals in the spa, which you can experience with other people or in the privacy of your own home.After having a preparatory warm shower, step into the steam bath and take a seat. Do not forget to wear your pestemal and to bring a towel with you, to ensure hygiene for you and for the people who enjoy the experience with you.

As soon as the skin is softened by the steam, massage the scrub all over your body, leaving your face out. Sit in the steam bath for 12 to 15 minutes, then step out and have a warm shower to remove any residual product, followed by a cold shower to trigger the necessary reaction to heat. Lie down and relax, while replenishing fluids with some herb tea or hot infusion.

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