Pro Motus is a company based in Bolzano, Italy, that works in the fields of physical therapy, professional functional training, rehabilitation medicine in the sports sector, and in the functional assessment of performance in the sports and medical sector. Starpool entrusted them a major pilot research project on the effects of dry floatation in the phase after the physical-therapy and/or osteopathic treatments.
The study involved two groups of individuals aged between 18 and 70. The first group underwent weekly osteopathic and physiotherapeutic treatments of 45 minutes each, followed by 30 minutes of dry floatation on Zerobody.
The second group underwent only the traditional treatments. At the end of the trial, the results confirmed that dry floatation enhances the effectiveness of the treatments, revealing a 15% greater reduction of pain symptoms in the experimental group. Starpool has decided to proceed with further analysis in this specific domain.
In this respect, new criteria of objective evaluation will be employed, and new patient categories defined (such as athletes, injured people, etc….); the effects of Zerobody will be evaluated on the basis of physical-therapy treatment results.