The role of beauty in nursing homes

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If you run a nursing home or work in the field of third age health, you may have dwelt on the importance of beauty for the elderly.  Or maybe not.

We have. It has been an extraordinary journey in a world that deserves to be brought to light and managed with the same attention that we all devote to traditional healthcare, because it is strongly connected to a fundamental aspect of our life: dignity.

In collective imagination, old age means physical deterioration. But what happens when it is the elderly themselves who adapt to this common mindset? They cling to the memories, they stop dreaming and wanting something good for themselves, they become inactive and, as a consequence, they fall ill more easily (or struggle to heal). To the elderly, the mirror does not lie: skin loses its tone, wrinkles increase, hair turns white. This entails loss of confidence, rejection of one’s own body and poorer and poorer motivation to take care of it.

Taking care of one’s body and appearance triggers the production of endorphins, has a positive effect on self-perception and increases psychological well-being, thus favouring the spirit of survival of the elderly. Nevertheless, this aspect is still granted very little regard.

Which professionals to rely on?

The pandemic has obliged the whole world to ponder over the importance of the elderly, and over the need to protect a generation steeped in wisdom and knowledge. This is the reason why – now more than ever – it has become critical to raise awareness on this topic in nursing homes, encouraging them to implement the beauty services which have the greatest therapeutic effect:


Hairstyling, manicure and pedicure

For hair care – including hairstyling and hair dying for women, and a nice regular and neat hair cut for men, rely on the skills of a hairdresser or a barber at least once a week. Manicure and pedicure, carried out by a beautician and a podiatrist respectively, combine the care of appearance with a nice nail varnish and the functional care of health, with the treatment of calluses which may cause pain and even trouble walking.


Face and body

For skin care, rely on a beautician who knows how to ensure good skin moisturising and, why not, who can also perform a light rejuvenating make-up.  A massage therapist will be able to reactivate venous and lymphatic circulation through a specific massage, ensuring better tissue oxygenation and improving muscle tone.

Our experience at the service of elderly people

We at Starpool have always addressed the topics of well-being and health with a scientific and innovative approach, and have decided to support nursing homes: if you want to discover the our innovations to regenerate body and mind, contact and tell us all about your requirements.

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Our solutions
for Healthcare

Brain Training
to keep the mind active

Float Therapy
without age limits