
How to best prepare your skin?

Let’s be honest! As soon as the first rays of sunshine appear, you can’t wait to change your clothes, wear your swimsuits and get a tan. However, are you sure that your skin is ready for that?

During the long, cold winter months, your skin is covered and is not free to breathe, so it loses the ability, gained over the previous months, to defend itself against UV rays. And not only that: in this time of year, your superficial layer is thicker, stiff and dehydrated. This leads to unfavorable conditions for tanning.

We can promise you this: a healthy, even and lasting tan requires proper preparation and attention. Curious yet? Before getting to solutions, it’s important to understand what happens to our skin throughout the year.


Skin life cycle

Skin is made of different layers of cells that have their own life cycle. They are born, they grow and die: they are part of a continuous and ceaseless renovation, called cell turnover.

When the cells, from the deepest skin layer, reach the surface and come into contact with the outside, they do not have a nucleus anymore: they are called corneocytes and they are dead cells. They are the defense barrier against the attacks from the outside. When the corneocytes lose cohesion and start to peel off, they must be eliminated in order to favor the birth of new cells. In this way, the skin is not only brighter, but also more prepared to absorb sunrays.

How to eliminate dead skin then? The key is: exfoliation! Come discover some techniques with us!


Exfoliating treatment in the steam bath

A must-have in the spas and, over the last year, more and more popular in private houses. The steam bath is a wellness cabin where the temperature is around 45°C and the humidity rate around 98%. This specific climate helps skin renovation, homogeneity and brightness and favors its deep purification.

If you wish, it’s also possible to enhance the benefits through products for mechanical exfoliation. It can be self-applied on the skin and spread on the body with a gentle massage. In this way, the results in term of firmness, tone and hydration are perfect to prepare for sunbathing.


Exfoliating treatment with Nuvola

Would you rather try a one-of-a-kind exfoliating treatment? Thanks to the regenerating power of Nuvola on body and mind, you can combine an experience of deep well-being to the utmost effectiveness of the exfoliating treatment.

Thanks to an innovative system of dry floatation, you can lie on your back in zero gravity and with zero points of contact. This state, together with the heat of the water at body temperature and to the sweating favored by the flaps, softens the skin layer and boosts cell turnover. Furthermore, the total absence of gravity favors the venous and lymphatic circulation, bringing nutrition and hydration to the deeper tissues.