Corporate Wellness

Casa Starpool-eyes

Taking care of the people who work at Starpool every day: it is our way to make good of our daily commitment to create Wellness solutions for a better quality of life.

The more we are aware of our well-being, the more we can contribute to improve our clients.

Because well-being starts with us.

longevity spa wellness

Our Longevity Spa

Our Longevity Spa is an absolute first in the world of Wellness. It is an innovative project that promotes longevity, prevention, and holistic well-being, through a harmonious combination of technologically sophisticated equipment and specific programs of use to keep the body’s health potential active. And we at Starpool decided to include it in our daily work activity: the different programs involve some of the most innovative solutions in our Wellness offer – Zerobody Dry Float, Zerobody Cryo, Wellness Coach, Photobiomodulation and Molecular Hydrogen Booster – which are combined to act effectively on stress, sleep, performance and longevity.

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Our Recovery Lab

We at Starpool strongly believe that sport performance depends also on the quality of recovery. Our Recovery Lab stemmed from our experience in the world of professional sport: not just a format for sale, but a true corporate space entirely dedicated to the recovery of the Starpoolers who most love sports.
Duly combined, Sport Sauna, Sport Infrared Cabin, Zerobody Dry Float, Zerobody Cryo, Ice Bath and Sport Infrared Lounger allow us to follow warmup, recovery, training and even injury management programs, with the support of our Scientific Research Department.

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Our Corporate Spa

A corporate spa where our colleagues can share their wellness experience and make it a good daily habit. Finnish sauna, steam bath and Mediterranean bath for the heat experience; ice fall, cold stream, cold blade and showers for the cold counter-reaction. And, lastly, a relaxation area with a tea corner where to regenerate and share rest of quality. Being Starpoolers also means being able to end a work day in name of an extraordinary Wellness Experience.

Recharge room wellness

Our Recharge Room

Inside Casa Starpool, we created an actual Recharge Room with Zerobody. It is available to anyone who needs to recharge their energies and enjoy an immediate boost. We believe in the regenerating effect of power napping, that is – napping to regain your energy: few minutes of rest to find your focus again and resume your work in the best of ways. Thanks to the Dry Float Therapy and to the Mindfulness and breathing techniques programs, you only need 10 minutes to regenerate body and mind; that is another way in which we want to promote the culture of Wellness.


Our Corporate Fitness

Regular physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle, it is good for body and mind. In fact, it is one of the most effective ways to fight stress, prevent illnesses and cellular ageing. Alongside our Corporate Spa, we realised a Fitness area complete with the equipment by Technogym. The perfect solution to find time to devote to physical activity, keep fit and achieve a complete professional and personal well-being.