Horion Business Center


Horion Business Center is an innovative start-up in Udine, standing out for its services dedicated to training and psycho-physical well-being for both companies and people.
The goal is to improve people’s quality of life and work performance in companies, working on both aspects. For this reason, on top of the services dedicated to self-care, Horion offers training courses on corporate communication to companies, with the aim to improve productivity as well as the employees’ emotional status.

To achieve this goal, Horizon chose to rely on Starpool for the choice of products. The centre focuses on dry floatation, cryotherapy and molecular hydrogen thanks to Zerobody Dry Float, Zerobody Cryo and Molecular Hydrogen Booster.
Through these products, Horion focuses on anxiety and stress decrease, focus and blood flow improvement, muscle pain and inflammation reduction, sleep balance management and psycho-physical performance.